"What is it that God is purposing where I am?"
"Once I know what God is doing, then I will know what I need to do."
"The focus need to be on GOD, not MY LIFE."
I had never thought about this difference. But it really is an interesting and important point! I've always been so intent on my life and the choices I have to choose, and being careful to live a Christian life to represent me... when really, I need to examine CHRIST'S life, and follow Him and his example, so that I am better able to represent Jesus in the way I live as His child. To GOD be the glory forever!!! Amen.
"To know and do the will of God, you must deny self and return to a God-centered life." Focusing on one's own self-worth and what we have, is a self-centered view on life. But focusing on the Lord's power and what He has given us is a God-centered view on life. It's not about us or what makes us look good; it's about God's Will and what glorifies HIS name. As a servant of the Lord, I have been realizing that I need to remember this key understanding.
It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you need to make yourself good enough in order to be called and looked upon as a good Christian. Yes, we need to follow God's rules and keep His commandments. We have to strive to live a Godly and Christian life-style. BUT... we can never be "good enough". EVER. That's why we will fail if we compare ourselves to other Christians or to what we imagine to be the "perfect Christian". Even our most righteous deeds or thoughts are like filthy rags to the Lord. We can never be clean enough, let alone "good enough". Instead, we have to compare ourselves to Jesus. And we must live our lives for Him; to live for anything else would be worthless. When we try our best to live like Christ lived, then our focus can better be centered upon The Lord's Will. And our strivings to a better obedience for our God will be more pleasing to Him, because when we look to Christ, we look to God. Therefore, with our lives, we can serve our Heavenly King. Not because we are accomplishing any great thing... but because we are allowing the Lord to accomplish great things in and through us. Our Father in Heaven has beautiful stories for each and every one of us; but our stories are only stories within His own. The whole purpose of this life, is to see the Will of God in everything. This is His World and His masterpiece. We are His beloved children. HIS WILL is perfect, and it is the whole centerpiece for our entire futures.
Give your heart, your life, and your desires to God. In His timing and in His way, His work will be done. We are His servants.
"Lord, whatever I know to be Your Will, I will do it. Regardless of the cost and regardless of the adjustment, as best I know my heart, I commit myself to follow Your Will ahead of time. Lord, no matter what Your Will looks like, I will do it!"
God has been working in your life since your birth. He was working out His purposes for your life prior to your birth. When God gets ready for you to take a new step or direction in His activity, it will be in sequence with what He already has been doing in your life. He builds your character in an orderly fashion with a divine purpose in mind. Give Him your life, and through it He will be glorified. Because when we make "God's Will" our focus, the Will He has for our lives with shine through and be beautiful. We must desire His Will, for us, for HIM. For us :) What a treasure His plan is!!
Now I'm not saying it's easy... living for God's Will can often mean dying to your own desires. It can hurt to draw closer to the Lord, when many times He will ask you to pull away from things you love the most. It will be difficult at times to understand why God asks you to make certain adjustments in your life, and you may not always be so willing. But when you obey, even when it's the hardest... God rewards you and in the end it is always best. His gifts are perfect. Our desires are sinful and selfish. His will is eternal and forever beautiful. Our own will is temporary and fades away with the world.
"What is God's Will?"
It's not about ME and what I want, It's about GOD and what HE wants.
Lord, give me understanding on interpreting Your Will as the main key in living my life for YOU, instead of concentrating so hard on what your will is for MY life and ME. Amen
Thoughts and words inspired by "Experiencing God" by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King
Thanks Hannah I really needed this
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome :) It's just what the Lord has been laying on my heart lately... I'm thankful that you have been encouraged too!!